I am a little embarrassed to share this because it is so personal, but this is a GREAT thing for emergency preparedness (and it is super convenient, saves money, is comfortable, you only have to worry about it twice a day, it doesn't hurt to take out, it doesn't slip out before it should like tampons sometimes do, it doesn't leak, it is great for heavy days and light days--have you ever tried to take a dry tampon out--ouch!!!). I am swallowing my pride to share this because I really think you should know about this if you don't want to store boxes of tampons and you want to save money. Don't wait for an emergency to use it. It takes awhile to learn to use it and get used to it. I did NOT like it at first, but I kept trying and now I love it. If it leaks, it was in wrong. I cut off the stick thing cuz it hurt.
I have used The Keeper (explained below) for about 15 years. I will probably get a new one soon (they said they last 10 years), even though mine is perfectly fine after all these years....It sounds really gross, but periods are pretty gross anyway....I love my Keeper. Here is some info from the website. Go to the website if you want to see how it is inserted etc.
It costs about $30 on Amazon. Size A is for after vaginal childbirth; size B is for before vaginal childbirth. Here is the link to Amazon.
Simple to use, both The Moon Cup and The Keeper are innovative feminine hygiene products that are worn internally, freeing women from dependency on cumbersome, uncomfortable, expensive, paper-based products. Economical, efficient, comfortable, and environment-friendly, reusable menstrual cups are attractive alternatives to other feminine hygiene products. Made by a woman for women, The Keeper (natural gum rubber — i.e., latex) and The Moon Cup (medical grade silicone — i.e., non-latex) are both FDA-approved and the only menstrual cups made in America.
Because we are an environment-friendly company, we have chosen to package our menstrual cups in a very simple, cost-conscious way that will produce the least possible waste. Therefore, in your mailing envelope, you will find just your menstrual cup, along with a cloth bag that is made in America by retired seamstresses. Our instructions are printed on one sheet of recycled paper. We hope you appreciate our commitment to the environment.

The Moon Cup, identical to our original Keeper menstrual cup, but made from medical-grade silicone (non-latex), is manufactured in America. The Moon Cup is for all women, but especially for those with allergies to latex rubber. [more]
[Order The Moon Cup]

The Keeper. Available since 1987, this is the alternative feminine hygiene product made from natural gum rubber (latex) and offered in two sizes (A and B). Approved by the FDA, The Keeper is used by women worldwide. [more]
[Order The Keeper]DANIELLE
I just wanted to say thank you so much for making such a wonderful product! The Keeper is seriously one of the most useful and economical things I have ever purchased. It amuses me to say this because at one time I thought I would NEVER use one. My sister started using one years ago after the birth of her daughter. She told me about it and the whole idea at the time seemed kind of disgusting. I wasn't comfortable with the idea of having this huge rubber thing inside me and have to pour and clean the blood out of it. So what made me change my mind about it? I have been on birth control pills for years and it significantly lessened my menstrual flow. There were days when even light tampons were still too much. It got to the point where I was worried about keeping in tampons on my light flow and have to worry about the possibility of Toxic Shock. I absolutely refused to wear pads, and after learning that the Keeper can be worn for up to 12 hours with minimal risk of Toxic Shock, I said "What the Heck!!" and decided to give it a try. Oh my GOODNESS, I am SO HAPPY I made the decision to get one! I've been using the Keeper for almost a year now, and you couldn't PAY ME to go back to pads or tampons! I get a haughty feeling whenever I walk down the tampon aisle in stores because I know I have something far superior! Its easy to get in when you get used to it, it doesn't leak, and it is so comfortable I forget I even have my period!! I really wonder why many women don't know about it/don't use one. It is a Godsend! I no longer need to worry about having enough tampons or keeping some in my purse or desk at work. Not to mention, it is extremely environmentally friendly. When I think of all the tampons and pads in our landfills, I literally feel ill. I feel good that from now on none of that garbage will be from me! I try to tell my friends about it but unfortunately a lot of them get the grossed out feeling that I once had. I mean, no matter what you use you have to see the blood! Oh well, all I can say is they are truly missing out.There are very few things that I stand behind 100%, and the Keeper is one of those things. I may have criticized it in the past, but all I can say is "Don't knock it 'till you tried it!!!" Thank you again for making such a fantastic product and for making my life so much easier and for the better!! I will continue to spread the word and HOPEFULLY someone will listen!!
Well my testimony is a roundabout goof story on my part. I had my original Keeper for about 10 years and finally the little end pulled off so I figured it was time to replace it. I LOVED it. It was so easy to use and keep clean. So last week I was at a local health food store and saw another brand of menstrual cup. I had forgotten that my original menstrual cup was The Keeper. So I bought the other cup.I was EXTREMELY disappointed. It does not work as well as The Keeper. I also had to call the company several times before I finally got a return call. I was informed I could not get my money back since it was a "medical device". That really bummed me out since I paid about thirty-five dollars for it. The company did want to send me "additional instructions" to see if I could get it to work. The thing is I know how a menstrual cup works. I've used The Keeper for years. (Thankfully the representative slipped when talking to me and dropped The Keeper Cup name...and I finally recalled what I had bought originally.)
The difference I found is that the other menstrual cup does not open easily inside you once it is inserted. They told me to check the holes and then force my finger against my vaginal wall to situate the cup. I NEVER had to do that with The Keeper. I became very adept at not even really touching myself when inserting The Keeper, therefore making insertion less messy. The Keeper has more of a rigidity to the ring part that I believe kept the seal stronger and the cup open to catch the flow. The other cup is messy and less hygienic since I have to shove my fingers in to manipulate it and push my vaginal walls apart to situate the cup. I do try to keep my hands clean and fingernails short...but the more you are manipulating your body the more chances you have of introducing germs in small cuts caused by your nails or fingers. It's also just not convenient to be shoving your fingers all around trying to get the cup to sit right.
Another issue is that even when you bear down to remove the other cup, it does not respond like The Keeper does. I never had to "fish" around to find the stem to pull the cup out. I found myself delving around trying to find the stem to pull the cup out. I really don't want to have to "fish" for my cup to get it out.
So...I guess I'm out my money for the other menstrual cup. I'm now going to reorder another Keeper Cup. I was happy with The Keeper for all the years I had I used it!
Sigh...wish I hadn't goofed...but glad I found The Keeper again!
Michelle Dudik
Cleveland, Ohio
Back in 2005 I was preparing for another Backpacking trip. Then and there I said to my self, "OMG! I'm gonna have my period while traveling and I don't have enough space in my backpack for a pack or two of pads." Yes, I was one of those who used sanitary pads all along since I didn't like using tampons unless it was a real emergency and there was nothing else available on hand. So I'm surfing through the net and then I came across this blog page from some girl talking about her experiences backpacking and stating that she recommended 100% "The Keeper" cup for any girl backpacking since it didn't take space in the bag. I started looking for info, and ran across so many websites, even one with a museum info showing a photo of what women used back in the war days where they didn't have the break to go change a pad... go figure. I thanked God for letting me see this. So, it's been merely four years of this but I stick 100% to my Keeper cup (even after childbirth -- since it was an unplanned c-section, it still fits) and always tell my friends and family how it changed my life, not to mention no more $4.79 sanitary pack expense a month. -)Regards,
Idamis González
San Juan, Puerto Rico
I read about The Keeper in "The Tightwad Gazette" and since it infuriated me to pay so much money every month for what I call "cotton and string" (tampons) I decided to give it a try. That was in 1996 and I still have the same Keeper and use it every month and I love it! It paid for itself in no time for sure! I tell all my girl friends and relatives about it and e-mail the link to the web page to them. I haven't had to buy pads or tampons in 13 years! Besides being great for the environment, I love the fact that I never have to ask someone if they any pads or tampons because I ran out and am not at home. I am a totally self contained unit. Ha ha. Also no one in the house or at work ever knows when I am on my period because there are no tell tale signs in the trash can. (I have 2 sons and a husband, this makes me feel a LOT better about the whole thing!) It DID take some practice to get used to it, but once I did it was so easy to use, I don't even know it's there. I love it! Thanks so much for a wonderful product!! I would love to become a distributor!Tanya Lynn Smith
I have been using the Keeper for over 15 years. It was recommended to me by my OB/GYN as a cost-effective, environmentally-friendly option for handling my period, and it's been great. I love the comfort, ease and safety of the Keeper.As an older woman (now 52), I particularly appreciate the volume that the Keeper handles. I find that it holds more fluid than a super tampon, and with minimal risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome. Without the Keeper, I probably would have had a hysterectomy in my 40's due to heavy bleeding, but using the Keeper with a pad to manage overflow got me through.
I have been environmentally conscientious all my life, and I love keeping my use of disposables to a minimum. The $50+ saved per year is an added bonus! In addition, because there is nothing to throw away the Keeper is very convenient for use while traveling, camping, hiking etc. and a great space saver as well (no boxes of tampons, heavy pads to pack). I enthusiastically recommend the Keeper to my daughters and others. It's a really great product.
Thanks for making the Keeper!
Lynn Plumb
Nobleboro, ME
I have been using The Keeper since just after the birth of my first child fifteen years ago. (I switched to the Moon Cup a few years ago because I liked the way I could see to clean it better with the clear silicone.) I found the info in "The Tightwad Gazette" (thank you author Amy Dacyczyn!). I can’t say enough about how much I love it. I always hated pads - stinky and messy. Tampons were uncomfortable - they suck up every bit of moisture and are hard to insert and remove. I also disliked the thought of all of those possibly toxic products ending up in our landfills. The Keeper is so easy to use. I never have to buy pads and I love just walking by that aisle at the store without having to stop! I’m hoping it will work well for my teen-aged daughter because she is a swimmer and dancer and The Keeper will allow her to be free from the hassle of those so-called "disposable" products.I would love to be a distributor for The Keeper. I really believe it brings freedom for women.
Maria White
Paso Robles, California
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