I have a friend (with seven children) who had a problem with her sewer. Her husband was gone and it couldn't be fixed for a few days. It made me think, what would I do? Here is a way to be a little more prepared. I found a great deal on used 5 gallon buckets and a simple toilet seat that fits on it. If you want one, please tell the Provident Leader in your ward and I will bring one to the next preparedness meeting for you. They will be $7.50 each (for the 5 gallon bucket and the lid). You can add what you want in the bucket. Below are some suggestions. I will also post links for getting a "real" emergency toilet.
Emergency Chemical Toilet
(I got this from a great site http://preparednessmatters.blogspot.com/)
The following items should be stored together inside a five gallon plastic bucket. The bucket will serve as the toilet during an emergency.
* 5 gallon plastic bucket
* 1 large box of garbage bags--30 gallon size
* 1 gallon of liquid chlorine bleach
* 2 Rolls toilet paper
* Paper towels
* 1 bar hand soap or hand sanitizer
* (Optional, Tampons, pads, and diapers, shovel)
To use this toilet, simply remove the contents from the bucket, insert a large plastic garbage can liner into the bucket and fold the edges over rim of the bucket. Mix one cup of liquid chlorine bleach to one half gallon of water (1 to 10 ratio--do not use dry or powdered bleach as it is caustic and not safe for this type of use) and pour this solution into the bucket. This will kill germs and ensure adequate coverage. Though the bucket may be uncomfortable, it certainly beats the alternative.
After each usage, replace the lid securely upon the bucket to keep insects out and to keep the smell contained. When the bucket is one third to one half full, tie the garbage bag liner shut and dispose of it appropriately (i.e., burying it, placing it inside a large covered metal garbage can for later disposal, or placing it in an approved disposal location.) Put another liner inside the bucket and continue as above.
This would be a great thing to take along if you ever had to leave home in a short emergency (with your 72 hour kit).
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